Filing Your Expat Taxes?
If you have questions, let us know. Expatriate Tax Returns provide solutions to help you stay legal, up-to-date, and make tax filing EASY for expats. Get Started!
If you have questions, let us know. Expatriate Tax Returns provide solutions to help you stay legal, up-to-date, and make tax filing EASY for expats. Get Started!
Did you know that back in 2013 there was a 221% increase in the fee to renounce your American citizenship? That was only a year ago. Now, the U.S. State Department has just raised the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship to $2,350 from $450. The State Department says its reason for doing this has to do with demand on their services and…
For Expats getting the Covid-19 stimulus payment from the US government can be a complicated process: You must have a US social security number. Using an ITIN disqualifies you from the program. Including taxpayers, spouses and dependents. Direct deposits are only available to US bank accounts. Some clients who do not have a…
As an American expatriate living abroad, you have a unique opportunity to claim a Foreign Tax Credit. By doing so, you will avoid dual taxation, which is when two different countries impose taxes on the same income. No one wants to be doubly taxed of course, but if you’re caught unaware you could be subject…
Expat Tax Tips: How to get IRS Tax Forms Having a hard time trying to find the tax forms you need to file your tax return? Expatriate Tax Returns is here to tell you that the IRS provides free tax forms and publications on an extensive variety of topics! Here is a list of four…