Expats Feeling Homesick is Natural
Remember when you were a kid and felt homesick at overnight camp? Well, you probably thought you’d never be homesick after you grew up and became an adult.
Homesickness is a natural feeling that many expatriates experience. An expatriate is defined as a person who lives outside their native country. Many expats enjoy their new life living and working abroad. They may even feel like their new country is “home,” but they still feel homesick for the United States. For some expats, the homesickness may come about at certain times of the year. American holidays like Thanksgiving, Fourth of July/Independence Day, Memorial Day and Labor Day can leave many American expats longing for the traditions of back home in the U.S.A. For other expats, it might be on relatives’ birthdays or other milestones in which they feel particularly homesick. Some American expats report feeling particularly homesick if they have to miss a celebration or a funeral for a loved one back in the U.S.
No matter where an expat lives around the world, there’s one thing that they don’t feel homesick about… and that’s paying taxes. Even though expats no longer live or work in the United States, they still have the responsibility of filing expatriate tax returns. Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. And that’s true. You can’t get away from paying taxes. Even if you no longer live or work in the U.S. you’ll still have to file taxes. So, while expats may continue to feel a little homesick for the good ole’ US of A (at least in the first few years), the good ole’ US of A will be sure to keep in touch.
When it comes time to file your expatriate tax returns, turn to the leaders in the field. The tax returns experts at Expatriate Tax Returns will take care of everything and you won’t have to worry at all. Call us at our 24-hour hotline: (877) ETAX-123 or (877) 382-9123. You can also fill out the simple form on our website at www.expatriatetaxreturns.com.