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Checking the Status of Your Return
Once you file your taxes, you may be anxious to receive your return. The IRS has a tool that can help track your refund through the process. The “Where’s My Refund” tool is available on to all those who have filed. There is also an app available for download called IRS2Go app. Users will need…
Getting ACA’s “Same Country Exemption” Passed
It is important for all United States citizens living and working abroad to understand the American Citizens Abroad’s Same Country Exemption. This will have an important effect on expats and specifically on Expatriate Tax Returns. The National Taxpayer Advocate has recently come out in full support of regulatory changes to both FBAR (Foreign Bank Account…
Don’t Get Audited
The idea that the Internal Revenue Service could audit you is not something you should take lightly. However, it’s also not something that should keep you up at night riddled with anxiety. Math errors may draw IRS inquiry, but they’ll rarely lead to a full-blown audit. Although there’s no sure way to avoid an IRS…

U.S. Expats Renounce Citizenship Faster Than Ever
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