Expatriate Tax Returns Wishes You a Happy Hanukkah
As the candles glow, may your heart be filled with the warmth of Hanukkah blessings. Happy Festival of Lights! 🕯️❤️
From everyone at Expatriate Tax Returns, we’d like to wish you a warm and Happy Thanksgiving! We’re incredibly thankful that you turn to us for your tax needs. We make it our mission to use our knowledge of the ever changing tax codes to find your maximum return and assure that you are up to…
Realizing that you made a mistake on your expat tax return can be a heart-stopping experience. Don’t worry. The issue can be corrected. What Do I Do When I Notice a Mistake? The best thing to do when you notice a mistake on your tax return is to deal with it. Common errors include forgetting…
Tax News Flash! From the Desk of Diane Siriani, owner and Managing Member of Expatriate Tax Returns As of today, the US Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service are providing special PAYMENT relief to individuals, estates, trusts and businesses in response to the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak. All income tax payments (including self-employment tax) are…
Top Ten Reasons to File Your US Tax Return 1. It is your responsibility as a citizen of the United States. 2. In order to qualify for any tax benefits, like the child or education credits, you must request/apply for them through the filing of a US tax return. 3. As an expat, it is…
Expatriate Tax Returns is excited to announce our new Referral Program. We will give current clients a $25 Amazon Gift Card for each referral they send to us (new client must pay for tax return preparation). We thank you in advance for your referrals and remind you that June 15 is the final day to…