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When is the True Deadline for Expat Taxes?
There is a common misunderstanding among U.S. expatriates regarding their true tax filing deadline. Most expats think that the traditional April 15th deadline is the same critical deadline for their expatriate tax returns. They think that if they don’t file a proper extension with the IRS (Form 4868) by April 15th, they will be penalized….
Expats: Do You Know What You’re Entitled To?
As an American expatriate living abroad, you have a unique opportunity to claim a Foreign Tax Credit. By doing so, you will avoid dual taxation, which is when two different countries impose taxes on the same income. No one wants to be doubly taxed of course, but if you’re caught unaware you could be subject…
Love and Marriage: An Expat Married to a Non-U.S. Citizen
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Making Sense of the Options Available For U.S. Taxpayers with Undisclosed Foreign Financial Assets
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Healthcare and Expatriate Taxes
Living as an expatriate can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its share of complexities, especially when it comes to healthcare and taxes. While exploring new cultures and embracing the expat lifestyle, it’s crucial to ensure that you meet your tax obligations and have access to proper healthcare. In this…
A Letter from our Managing Member
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