Celebrating Americans and Their Hard Work Around the World
Did you know that back in 2013 there was a 221% increase in the fee to renounce your American citizenship? That was only a year ago. Now, the U.S. State Department has just raised the fee for renunciation of U.S. citizenship to $2,350 from $450. The State Department says its reason for doing this has to do with demand on their services and…
If you are an American Living Abroad and are married to a non-US citizen, don’t let your taxes confuse you. As a US citizen you may file a joint tax return with a non citizen if you both choose to treat the spouse as a resident on all Expat Taxes from hereon out. This has…
The phrase “we go the whole 9 yards” just doesn’t cut it for Expatriate Tax Returns. While that cliche means that a business is willing to go the distance, it’s unclear where the term even came from. At Expatriate Tax Returns, we prefer living by the mantra of going the EXTRA MILE. Here’s why. William…
Living as an expatriate is an enriching experience, but it often comes with its own set of financial challenges. Cost management becomes a crucial aspect of your expatriate journey, and smart tax planning is a key component of that strategy. In this guide, we’ll explore effective ways for expatriates to cut costs and how partnering…